Plenary Talk

Keynote. Wednesday 15th June, 9:30h.

Graham Colclough

Mobile: +44 771 031 3944

Email: graham.colclough [at]

Location: London

Title: Europe – A source of inspiration for smart cities worldwide?


The smart cities market is still nascent and has a long distance yet to run. how is it emerging in europe, and what is europe at eu, national, and city levels doing to embrace and exploit the potential to transform services and outcomes through innovative approaches? how can europe win the race worldwide?.


Graham is committed to transforming the cities market globally – one bit at a time.

After many years leading the Global Cities business at Cap Gemini, Graham established UrbanDNA. His team collaborate with progressive cities and industry partners internationally, to identify and deliver better solutions – faster – to common urban challenges. Their work spans city leadership; economic development; health & wellbeing; urban mobility; city assets; resilience, enabling ICTs, and the like.

Graham is presently driving the global smart cities agenda through positions within the European Commission (EC) Smart Cities & Communities Innovation Partnership (EIP); UK Ministerial Smart Cities Forum; ‘6-Nations’ Smart Cities Forum; City Protocol Society; ISO Smart City Strategic Advisory Group; and board of the UK Cities Standard Institute.

He advises, shapes, leads, and delivers programmes and solutions for (groups of) cities and industrials seeking to make step-change improvements in cities.

Graham brings leadership, innovation, and dynamism to his work – with a passion for seeing delivery of better client and business outcomes as a result.

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